

姓名:Alex 年龄:28 血型:A 星座:水瓶座职业:贸易位置:深圳QQ:20737032最喜欢的食物:火锅 羊肉泡馍 炸酱面 鱼 pizza最喜欢的水果:龙眼 菠萝 苹果 山竹 柚子最喜欢的饮品:咖啡 茶 奶茶 最喜欢的书籍:《穆斯林的葬礼》《假面告白》《幸福在前方》最喜欢的电影:《毕业生》《阿甘正传》《山村老尸》《暖春》最喜欢的电视剧:《给我一片蓝天》《爱情白皮书》《与青春有关的日子》《结婚十年》最喜欢的作家:钱钟书 王小波 三岛由纪夫 米兰昆德拉最喜欢的演员:奥黛莉赫本 汤姆汉克斯 黄小明 成龙 山口百惠 最喜欢的歌手:西城秀树 中岛美雪 瑞奇马丁 杜德伟 最喜欢的音乐:怀旧经典 民歌 交响乐 最喜欢的运动:游泳 羽毛球 健身最喜欢的活动:旅游 听讲座 聚会 访谈最喜欢的颜色:白 黑 蓝 灰最喜欢的服饰:运动 休闲最向往的地方:海牙 纽约 马尔代夫最讨厌的事情:早起 洗衣服人生目标:读万卷书,行万里路 我曾在一事无成时幻想有一个辉煌灿烂的未来;曾在悲观叹息时指望明天是个新的开始;曾在寂寞彷徨时渴望有个息息相通的知己…… 当日复一日地重演这些无奈时,才发现行进的过程中,我并没有去努力,去争取。以至于走过的那段青春路上仍是一片空白、茫然……

Could I Have This Kiss Forever

分类:灵魂 | 标签: 情感   爱情   恋爱   生活  
2007-07-08 15:28 阅读(?)评论(0)

Over and over I look in your eyes

you are all I desire you have captured me

I want to hold you I want to be close to you

I never want to let go

I wish that this night would never end

I need to know

Could I hold you for a lifetime

Could I look into your eyes

Could I have this night to share this night together

Could I hold you close beside me

Could I hold you for all time

Could I could I have this kiss forever

Could I could I have this kiss forever, forever

Over and over I've dreamed of this night

Now you're here by my side

You are next to me

I want to hold you and touch you taste you

And make you want no one but me

I wish that this kiss could never end oh baby please

Could I hold you for a lifetime

Could I look into your eyes

Could I have this night to share this night together

Could I hold you close beside me

Could I hold you for all time

Could I could I have this kiss forever

Could I could I have this kiss forever, forever

I don't want any night to go by

Without you by my side

I just want all my days

Spent being next to you

Lived for just loving you And baby, oh by the way

Could I hold you for a lifetime

Could I look into your eyes

Could I have this night to share this night together

Could I hold you close beside me

Could I hold you for all time

Could I have this kiss forever

Could I could I have this kiss forever, forever

  最后修改于 2007-07-11 21:26    阅读(?)评论(0)
上一篇: 我们生于80年代 下一篇:IMPRESSIONS
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